Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fails and regrets!!

           My regrets

  • During my experiences of finding the truth of mythical creatures, i have noticed that there are are a whole bunch of mythical creatures and i might not find the truth about all of them. Are they really real or are they just stories to scare little kids?
  •  I kind of regret choosing this topic ecause I wish i could do something creative, and do stuff. With this topic i can only reserch, and study(by the way i love resrching) but i might find the truth behind these mythical creatures.
  • Should we really try and find the truth? If we find out the truth, would it ruin the magic and mystery?
  • What if we find out that all mythical creatures are just bedtime stories.
But this IS an interesting topic, but i will reserch more and more untill i get enough information and find out the truth :)
Thank you

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