Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fails and regrets!!

           My regrets

  • During my experiences of finding the truth of mythical creatures, i have noticed that there are are a whole bunch of mythical creatures and i might not find the truth about all of them. Are they really real or are they just stories to scare little kids?
  •  I kind of regret choosing this topic ecause I wish i could do something creative, and do stuff. With this topic i can only reserch, and study(by the way i love resrching) but i might find the truth behind these mythical creatures.
  • Should we really try and find the truth? If we find out the truth, would it ruin the magic and mystery?
  • What if we find out that all mythical creatures are just bedtime stories.
But this IS an interesting topic, but i will reserch more and more untill i get enough information and find out the truth :)
Thank you

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Chupacabra? or just a Dog?

Latin Mythical Creatures:

Latin mythical creatures are known all around the U.S.
For example the Chupacabra, La llorona, and  the Serpent dragon.
There are a whole bunch of Mythical Creatures in the Latin history. Stories of these creatures have been passed down from generation to generation. Now let's start talking about the most known Latin mythical creature, "EL CHUPACABRA"is a cryptid that is renowned for its attacks on livestock, hence the Spanish name "the goatsucker." It supposedly eats chickens, goats, and other farm animals and pets. It has been reported all over the Americas, specifically the Southwestern United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico. There are two common versions of the chupacabra. There is a reptilian  kind, and a canid kind. There have been more than 2,000 sightings of the Chupacabra.  When it sucks blood, it allegedly makes an odd noise.
The farmers hated this creature, but after it finished with the goats it started going after the villagers. People say that they have killed this mythical creatures, but at the end most of the times it's just a shaved animal..or just a dog
The chupacabra have been in the Latin history for a very long time 
And it's still here roaming around our land seeking for some blood, or is it just a dog? 
There are still a bunch of questions that haven't been answered.

Thank you.